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cannabis cuttings

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Cannabinoid purification by crystallization


Cannabinoid purification by crystallization

What is it about?

The simplest way to obtain pure compounds is by using the crystallization technique. For this reason, for cannabinoids that crystallize spontaneously, Phytoplant Research has developed a technology that allows us to obtain CBD, CBG and CBGA crystals with a purity greater than 99% in an easy, fast and economical way.



  • The direct crystallization processes allow time savings compared to chromatography of between 60 and 80%, allowing us to optimize the use times of the plant and reducing the delivery times of the product to the end customer. Time savings with other physical techniques is up to 66%
  • This system represents an equipment cost saving of up to 80%, since it is not necessary to purchase a chromatographic system, and it is only necessary to install reactors with heating and cooling systems, which are widely commercially available.
  • The personnel should not have a high professional qualification as in the case of chromatographic systems and the number of technicians in the plant is drastically reduced thanks to the ease of automation of the process
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Purification of Cannabinoids by chromatography


Purification of Cannabinoids by chromatography

What is it about?

Through the use of this technology, purifications are obtained from polar or apolar extracts that come from Cannabis leaves and flowers once they have been cultivated, dried and processed. The technology described allows us to obtain purified cannabinoids that do not crystallize directly, such as THC, THCA, CBDA, CBDV, CBGV, etc., with a purity greater than 98% in a quick, easy and cheaper way.


  • The patented method has a chromatographic time of less than 50% compared to the rest of those currently offered on the market
  • The solvents used are also half that of other chromatographic separation techniques which, in addition, to achieve high volumes of product, would require a vertical installation design with the consequent increase in cost.
  • Other costs with this technology are associated with the reduction of waste derived from the fact that we do not use solid stationary phase in the process


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