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Jesus Hidalgo

Jesus Hidalgo

IT Manager

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Industrial Technical Engineer with a specialty in Electronics from the University of Córdoba and Research Master in Process Control.

He has developed his professional career focused on the branch of automation and process control, designing, developing and implementing systems in industries as diverse as foundries, cement, renewable energy, agri-food, among others.

This experience has given him knowledge in a wide variety of specialties, such as industrial instrumentation, system design and architecture, programming and start-up of automated processes, prototype development, data acquisition, storage and treatment systems, development of computer tools, etc.

Currently, he develops the work of technical director of the company at the head of the engineering division. This position has given him the opportunity to apply different disciplines of engineering to the development of the industrial chain around cannabis, from the design of facilities for its cultivation, through the industrialization of the cultivation, harvesting and drying processes, to automation. of the active ingredient extraction processes and their subsequent purification.

Additionally, it participates in the company's R + D + i processes, promoting the application of various emerging technologies as support to research processes focused on expanding existing knowledge in relation to cannabis.


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